Karte Informationen       Licence

Licence and data sources

This map is released under a CC-NC-SA licence. This means that you are allowed to use and copy it for non-commercial purposes as long as it remains under this licence and you name this web site as the source. The map is free of charge, selling or redistributing it for profit is prohibited. Using the map in a company is not covered by this general licence, please contact us for a suitable arrangement if you are interested in doing so.

It is based on data by OpenStreetMap and elevation data by CIAT and NASA.

If you use the online map or hand on copies of the Garmin maps, always indicate the licence and at least give the following text: "Hiking and Trail Riding Map" or short "Hiking/Riding Map" and a link to www.wanderreitkarte.de.

Usage policy

It is the purpose of this hiking map to be used. Embedding it on other websites within a reasonable scope is welcome. However, this is a private project, running the server causes substantial costs and the capacity is limited. Therefore the following usage policy applies to all accesses to the server:

  • All usages of the map must be freely accessible, free of charge.
  • All accesses to map data must have a valid user agent and if possible a HTTP referrer. Multiple access to the same data in a small amount of time is not acceptable. All modern browsers comply with these conditions.
  • The server is not intended as a tile server. Mass downloads of tiles create a huge load on the server, particularly in the higher zoom levels, as the tiles are created on request. Using the server as a download source in an offline map application or download script without prior consultation is not welcome. For larger amounts of data, there is a download subscription. Downloader applications may only request tiles up to zoom level 15. Downloading with maximum transfer speed is not allowed. Multiple parallel accesses are only acceptable for browsers, downloaders must request only one tile at a time.
  • Usages of the map which cause significant traffic or load on the server must be arranged in advance. In case of doubt it is better to ask whether an application hurts the server before you run or distribute it. Unknown downloaders will be banned.
  • The limit for online usage is currently 40,000 tiles per day, with a maximum of 10,000 in a single zoom level, 5000 in zoom 17 to 19 respectively. These values should never be reached when working in a browser. Accesses which exceed these values, faked agents or referrers or other violations of the usage policies will result in an automatic ban. After a ban you may not access the server for 24 hours. In particular, changing your IP in an attempt to circumvent the ban is prohibited - and useless.
  • The night is reserved for the data import. Mass access with downloaders should not occur between 00:00 and 8:00. It will be served only very slowly in this time in order to protect the import.
  • Commercial or ad-supported pages are expected to adequately contribute to the operating costs of the server.


Full Map

The Hiking and Trail Riding Map is released under a Creative Commons Attribution - Non-commercial - Share Alike 3.0 Germany Licence (CC-BY-NC-SA).

Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag

Map data

The base data für the online map and garmin maps is provided by Openstreetmap under a  Open Data Commons Open Database Lizenz (ODbL).

(c) OpenStreetMap-Contributors

The OSM data is transformed with Map Composer. The transformed data is subject to the ODbL and can be provided upon request (ca. 11GB OSM XML). For multiple requests there is a handling fee.

Elevation data

The elevation contours and hill shading up to 60° north are calculated from elevation data by CIAT.

Jarvis A., H.I. Reuter, A. Nelson, E. Guevara, 2008, Hole-filled seamless SRTM data V4, International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), available from http://srtm.csi.cgiar.org.

Users are prohibited from any commercial, non-free resale, or redistribution without explicit written permission from CIAT.

Permission for use of the DEM in this map has been granted by Andrew Jarvis .

The elevation data north of 60° is from Viewfinder Panoramas.
Permission for use of the DEM in this map has been granted by Jonathan de Ferranti.


Hoofmarker, the navigation function for riders and hikers is based on the routing engine Graphhopper.

Map display

The maps on this website are displayed using the JavaScript library Leaflet.


The search function is based on the Nominatim server by OSM.


We thank Francesco Malvolti for the Italian translations, Arsène von Wyss for the French version and Gábor Babos for the Hungarian.
